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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Terry Bradshaw: Big Kiss from women everywhere!

So I am watching the pre-game on FOX (about the only thing I will watch on FOX besides American Idol!) and my fave guy Terry Bradshaw made me so, so, so proud!  Bradshaw was one of the greatest quarterbacks in history.  He played for the Pittsburgh Steelers when they were at their absolute best.  Terry is a classy guy who has gone on to do great things for his career.  He is well respected in the NFL and out of it, on screen in the motion picture industry and is a super-duper announcer for FOX Sports.  That being said and with all the fluff aside, he's a true grit football guy, and that is what makes what he did today so impressive.

You might think someone like Bradshaw might protect his alum no matter what.  You might think he'd want his team's QB in the game to rack up the W's regardless of whatever wrong doings or bad behavior he had participated in. This is where class trumps macho.

Terry Bradshaw made it very clear today on his FOX pregame appearance that star quarterback Ben Roethlisberger should be out on his tail.  Bradshaw said, "I'd have gotten rid of him."  He spoke out about how "in his eyes" what Roethlisberger did is inexcusable, pointing out the partying and disrespect of women. 

Now I have been booing Roethlisberger for months and months as he continues to get away with alleged rape (I have to say alleged because he's not been formally charged), abominable behavior patterns with women that any other man would be locked up for.  But he's "Big Ben" and the Steelers need him so I guess the NFL Commisioner and the Steelers machine think winning games is more important than women's rights.

Anyway...HUGE kudos to Terry Bradshaw. Muah!  He is a guy's guy, an NFL icon and he has bigger cojones than not-so-big Ben will ever have.  Thank you Terry.  You've made my first Sunday of the season a proud one.

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